Friday, October 26, 2012

Key Colony Beach Living

By Claire

No worries about any hurricane.  It's definitely windy and we do have intermittent rain, but most of that happened during the night.  We went on another walk this morning to see what it was like and ran into a cluster of more of those interesting birds.  Pat gets the prize for figuring it out.  They are American White Ibis.  The brown ones are juveniles and some of their brown feathers have molted and have been replaced with white feathers.

A very different style of City Hall from what we've seen along this trip.

The guy driving by in this souped up golf cart gave us a toothy grin and waved.  He had white hair and presumably, plaid pants.  I guessed he was the major.  Yep--we found it parked at City Hall and his license plate says so.

Off on a border patrol run

The big excitement of the day was figuring out how to get the shower to work.  There is a regular (though fancy) shower head as well as a hand held shower.  I tried and tried to get it to come on--either one, I'm not fussy.  Nothing.  I called Chuck in and he fiddled and fiddled with it and managed to get it on.  But, my choices were scalding and cold.  I turned the handled this way and that and sometimes had both heads running, sometimes one or the other.  Once I was done, I couldn't turn it off.  So, I called out to Chuck letting him know he better get in here and take his shower but got no response.  Coming out I realized he was gone.  Hurriedly getting dressed (that involved throwing a sundress over my head) I called the office and they put me on hold while the shower continued to run.  Naturally, Chuck arrived a minute after that and finally figured out that it pulls and pushes as well as turns.  Ah!  It would have been nice to have some instructions.  It was a little embarrassing to know that the office would now realize we hadn't showered yet; but hey, we swam in the pool yesterday.  We are definitely relaxed and lazy.  The sun is out again and it's just another day in paradise.  I get it now why people come to Florida in the fall and winter.

What can I say?

Our memories of the ocean will linger on, long after our footprints in the sand are gone. ~ Anonymous